Art and Design Christmas Fair
The second and third event of the year for we tried design and my products was Nottingham Trent's
christmas fair at the Bonnington atrium and The Rough Trade event our course put on displaying first years work, (which I previously sold at at the beginning of the term). Both events were brilliant fun to organise and be a part of.
I had some great experiences with people who liked my products. One woman at the fair took a good look at our stall, made a lot of 'ohhh!' sounds when she looked at mine (which is an amazing feeling!) and we had a little chat and she said she would come back later. Unlike many (!), she did! "Ive been round everything and I just had to come back and buy your notebook its beautiful!" That was a massive compliment to me as within the whole fair were some very talented creatives selling jewellery, ceramics, stationary, clothing, textiles and soft toys!

Another lovely chat I had with a customer was at the rough trade event the next night. He was really keen to set up his own business, freelancing and creating things like we do. For some reason he asked me for advice which I told him I was no expert on and we had a great discussion about just doing whatever he wanted to do and to stop making excuses! (Which I had done for a few years) I hope our chat helped him even a little bit to start his creative empire in the new year.

Hopefully there will be many more events like this in 2017!